New Site & New Features

It's that time again1 Every so often we have to make updates and changes to keep things fresh and bring you new features as well as keep things nice and secure.

It’s that time again1 Every so often we have to make updates and changes to keep things fresh and bring you new features as well as keep things nice and secure.

This time around we have made changes that will be a bit mor permanent so you can count on your access staying stable and the availability being more reliable of the features provided. That being said no move or drastic change comes without its complication so if you have any issues, please report them immediately so we can get the resolved or help you the best we can. A huge thanks to you all for your patience and your continued support of Reforge Roast!

If you have login trouble, please use the forgotten password tool first and if issues continue reach out to us so we can get you back in the system.

Please be sure and update your profile fields with the Display Name you prefer so you can be thanked in the live shows when you make your purchases!

New features will be coming like easier ways to pay – membership incentives form the YouTube channel new merch options and much much more.

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High Quality

Our blends are 100% Pure Arabica Premium organically sourced coffees.

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